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Navigating CMC Insight

CMC Insight provides an intuitive business tool enabling inbound and outbound calls to be monitored via pre-defined dashboards and a wallboard.

Insight is split into multiple sections which combine live tiles and reports to provide call information on the entire business. 

Users are able to filter this section by date/time, extension, group, DDI or call type and download the Business Insight Summary as a PDF.

Below is a guide on how to navigate the main features of CMC Insight

Applying Filters

The standard default filter is for the current day

This can be adjusted by clicking the + on the right hand side of the bar

We can then select the date and time from a pre-selected list or go fully customised

Applying filters will change the reporting for the entire of the Insight page

Hourly Call Distribution

This bar chart displays hourly call traffic which allows users to see which hours of the day are busiest. The bar chart drop down provides options to display hourly incoming call distribution, hourly outgoing call distribution, or hourly call distribution.

Percentage Answered

This speedometer provides the percentage of calls answered within target response time, over the total calls answered by the business.

Quick Reports

The quick reports section is a repository of report templates. Once run, the reports can be customised by using filters.

  • Hourly Call Activity: An overview of call information, such as total outgoing and incoming calls, over a period of 60 minutes.
  • Daily Call Activity: An overview of call information, such as number of outgoing and incoming calls,average talk time and missed calls, over a period of a day.
  • Extension Call Activity: A summary of calls for each extension, including total calls, average talk time and number of missed calls by extension.
  • Overall Activity by DDI: A summary of calls for each DDI, including DDI name, DDI group name, total calls answered and total missed.
  • Missed Calls: A summary of unanswered calls by extension, including time, date and ring time.
  • List Calls by Date: A breakdown of all calls for all extensions, including duration of call, destination and ringtime.
  • Unreturned Missed Calls by Caller ID: A list of missed calls that have not been returned.


Live tiles display call information on total calls within the business, total incoming/outgoing calls, total missed, unreturned missed calls, busiest hour, average answer time and longest call. 

By clicking on a tile the relevant report will display in a new tab, providing further detail. For example, by clicking on the unreturned missed calls tile, the detailed unreturned missed calls report will be displayed.


The Insight Wallboard provides pre-defined wallboards, displayed in three size formats:

Extension Summary: This wallboard displays the number of total calls (incoming and outgoing), total missed calls and total talk time for each extension within the business.

Business Summary: This wallboard simply displays the total incoming/outgoing calls, total missed calls, average ring time and total talk time for the entire business.

Call Recording

Call Recording can be added to CMC Insight for $8 per end point, a recording licence must be purchased for each extension you wish to monitor as well as the Entry Points.

For example if your main inbound number lands on a hunt group you will need to purchase and assign a recording licence to the hunt group as well.

Assigning Recording Licences

Once you have purchased your recording licences you can choose which end points you would like them assigned to by selecting Recording Licences from the drop down Configuration menu

You can then assign the licences by making each end point active

Accessing Recordings

You can access your recordings by selecting Call Recording from the main menu, as with the Insight page filters can be applied 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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