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Snom PA1

The Snom PA1 can be used as both a loud ringer and as a PA system, generally, we will need 2 registrations if the customer wants to use both of these features

The PA1 can use Power Over Ethernet (POE) or can use a standard Snom power adaptor

The below image shows a PA1 in a default state, you can identify the IP address by pressing the IP/Reset button once (you will need a speaker, amp or headphones attached as the IP will be read out)

Note: The IP button is also the Reset button, if it is pressed for too long it will reset the device

You can connect either a 4-watt speaker directly to the red and black connectors or you can run an amp from the Line Out socket, for testing purposes headphones can be connected directly to the Line Out socket

Once you have determined the IP address you can access the interface using a web browser, the interface is very similar to a Snom 300 series handset

Both the Administrator Password and the HTTP Server Password should be set to the customers Provisioning Password in UB

To register the PA1 to the PBX select the identity from the left-hand menu and enter the credentials for the specified extension

Note: the default setting will be for the device to be set as a PA system

To set up the PA1 as a loud ringer you will need to apply the following settings

Under the SIP tab of the identify you are registering as the ringer turn off Auto-Answer

Note: you must have the Extension Mailbox disabled on the PBX for this feature to work 

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